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CV1054 double diode


Size The valve measures 77x30mm overall and has an octal base.


Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 200mA
Max anode voltage 200V
Max anode current 7.5mA
Max anode dissipation 0.1W
Max heater-cathode voltage, C +ve to H 300V
Max heater-cathode voltage, H +ve to C 75V
A1 to all except A2 5.0pF
A2 to all except A1 5.0pF
A1 to A2 0.2pF


Pin Function
1 Shield and metallising
2 Heater
3 Anode 2
4 Cathode 2
5 Anode 1
6 no pin
7 Heater
8 Cathode 1
