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CV1530 / VCR530 CRT

Size This CRT measures 160x400mm overall and has an octal base.

This is a magnetic deflection CRT with electrostatic focus and an orange/yellow screen. It was used as a PPI (Plan Position Indicator) screen at 60rpm in H2S and ASV.

Heater voltage 4V
Heater current 1A
Max anode 1 voltage 1.45kV
Max anode 3 voltage 8kV
Typical operating conditions
Anode 3 voltage 7kV
Anode 2 voltage 1kV
Anode 1 voltage 1.25kV
Screen YYM36 (YYM = Yellow/Yellow/medium long persistence)
Peak working beam current 250µA
Working anode 1 current 250µA

Anode 1 must always be at least 50V positive to anode 2. The CRT is designed to work at the above voltages at a pressure equivalent to 4.45" of mercury at 15C.

Pin Function
1 n/c
2 Anode 1
3 Anode 2
4 n/c
5 Grid
6 Cathode
7 Heater
8 Heater
Side contact Anode 3

Quarter view