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CV1673 / HL2 triode

Size This valve measures 86x25mm overall and has a 4-pin base


Filament voltage 2V
Filament current 100mA
Max anode voltage 150V
Amplification factor * 27
Anode impedance * 18k ohms
Mutual conductance * 1.5mA/V

*: At Va=100, Vg=0.

Pin Function
1 Anode
2 Grid
3 Filament -ve
4 Filament +ve

NB the CV specification indicates that pin 3 is also connected to internal metallising.




Another example in a different shaped envelope. CV1673

CV1673 CV1673 / HL2

Two more examples, this time in larger metallised envelopes. The left hand one measures 100x42mm. The right hand one is marked both CV1673 and HL2 and measures 106x42mm.