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CV1675 / NR72 (Post Office VT107) output pentode

Size This valve measures 153x55mm overall and has a 7 pin base.


Heater voltage 4V
Heater current 2A
Max anode voltage 250V
Max screen voltage 250V
Max anode dissipation 10W
Mutual conductance 10mA/V
Cag (max) 0.60pF
Cae (max) 20.0pF
Cge (max) 20.0pF


Pin Function
1 n/c
2 n/c
3 Screen grid
4 Heater
5 Heater
6 Cathode and suppressor grid
7 Anode
TC Control grid


PO VT107

NR72 / VT107

Top quarter view