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CV1759 / 2C26A HF transmitting triode

Size This valve measures 89x32mm overall and has an octal base.


Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 1.1A
Max anode voltage 3.5kV
Max grid voltage -700V
Max anode dissipation 10W
Max grid dissipation 2.5W
Max grid circuit resistance 50k ohms
Max heater/cathode voltage 100V
Max pulse length 10µs
Max duty cycle 1.0%
Mutual conductance * 2.2mA/V
Amplification factor * 16.25
*: At Va=400, Vg=-15


Pin Function
1 n/c
2 Heater
3 n/c
4 n/c
5 n/c
6 n/c
7 Heater
8 Cathode
TC1 Grid
TC2 Anode
The grid cap is above pins 7 and 8, the anode cap above pins 3 and 4.
(The central spigot has broken off on this example)