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CV1944 / 6K8G triode/hexode

Size This valve measures 115x37mm overall and has an octal base.


See also CV1099 - the CV1944 is based on the 6K8G; CV1099 is not listed as based on 6K8G but one exhibit carries both CV1099 and 6K8G markings.

Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 300mA
Hexode section
Max anode voltage 300V
Max screen voltage 150V
Optimum heterodyne voltage 7.5V RMS
Conversion conductance 350µA/V
Anode impedance 600k ohms
Triode section
Max anode voltage 125V
Mutual conductance 3mA/V
Hexode Cag max 0.08pF
Hexode Cae max 5.6pF
Hexode Cge max 5.3pF
Triode Cae max 4.7pF
Triode Cge max 7.7pF


Pin Function
1 n/c
2 Heater
3 Hexode anode
4 Screen grid (G2, G4)
5 Oscillator grid
6 Oscillator anode
7 Heater
8 Cathode
TC Hexode control grid



6K8G label