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CV2210 thyratron

Size This valve measures 182x60mm overall and has a 4 pin B4D base.


Filament voltage 2.5V
Filament current 12A
Max peak forward anode voltage 1.5kV
Max PIV 1.5kV
Max peak anode current 40A
Max mean anode current 3.2A
Max surge anode current for 0.1sec max 500A
Max grid voltage before conduction -250V
Max grid voltage during conduction -10V
Max peak grid current with anode negative 25mA
Max mean grid current with anode positive 200mA
Max commutation factor 130
Ambient temperature range -55 to +70C
Max series grid resistor 100k ohms


Pin Function
1 Grid
2 Filament
3 Filament
4 n/c
TC Anode