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CV2298 transmitting tetrode, serial number 1280.

CV2298 size This valve measures 355x210 overall and weighs 4.8kg.

This valve has thoriated tungsten filament. It is a modified version of the CV1583, which itself was based on the E1024/CV1114 or VT114 valve which replaced the silica NT77 in the MB2 mobile ground radar system.

Filament voltage 10V
Filament current 70A
Max anode dissipation 500W
Max operating frequency 60MHz
Max seal temperature 140C

The filament leads required cooling with at least 10 cubic feet of air/minute, and the anode required forced air cooling of at least 85 cubic feet/minute.

The valve was intended to be operated at a constant 70A filament current, with the filament voltage being adjusted between 9.3 and 10.7V.
