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CV2398 noise diode for frequencies up to 500MHz

This valve measures 46x19mm overall and has a B9A/F base

Max filament voltage * 6.0V
Nominal filament current (Vf=6V) 1.15A
Min saturated anode current (Vf=5.6V) ** 45mA
Max anode voltage 200V
Max anode dissipation 3.5W

*: The value of the saturated anode current is determined by the value of the filament voltage. At the max voltage of 6V the life of the filament is only about 25 hours.

**: The design of the valve is such that a saturated anode current of at least 45mA is obtained at an anode voltage of 50V.

Lead Function
1 Anode
2 i/c
3 Anode
4 Filament
5 Filament
6 Anode
7 i/c
8 Anode
9 i/c
