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CV2453 low noise RF triode amplifier

Size This valve measures 54x19mm overall and has a B9A base.

The EVS data states this valve was replaced by CV4105

Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 370mA
Max anode voltage 250V
Max anode dissipation 2.5W
Max cathode current 20mA
Max heater cathode voltage 100V
Mutual conductance * 15mA/V
Capacitances (in close fitting metal screen)
Cge nom 3.55pF
Cae nom 0.055pF
Cag nom 1.6pF
Typical operating conditions: Class A UHF grounded grid amplifier
Anode voltage 130V
Grid voltage -1V
Anode current 16mA
Power gain 10db
Bandwidth 50MHz
Noise factor  
900MHz 11.5db
800MHz 10.9db
700MHz 10.2db
600MHz 9.4db
500MHz 8.4db

*: Mutual conductance measured at Va=180V, RL=3.3k ohms, Rk=68 ohms, in a mutual conductance bridge max frequency 1kHz, max input signal to grid 100mV RMS.

Power gain and bandwidth may be adjusted by altering the coupling between the anode line and the output loop. Under the typical conditions shown above the relationship between power gain and bandwidth at 900MHz is:

Power gain Bandwidth
6db 100Mhz
8db 70MHz
10db 50MHz
12db 37MHz
14db 30MHz
16db 25MHz


Pin Function
1 Grid
2 Cathode
3 Grid
4 Grid
5 Anode
6 Grid
7 Heater
8 Heater
9 Grid