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CV296 pentode

Size This valve measures 94x37mm overall and has a B9G base.

This valve is a selected CV173.

Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 0.95A
Max continuous anode voltage 300V
Max anode voltage, pulsed grid "no current" state 500V
Max continuous screen grid voltage 275V
Max screen grid voltage, pulsed grid "no current" state 300V
Max anode dissipation 11W
Max screen grid dissipation 2.2W
Max heater to cathode voltage 150V
Max peak cathode current, 50µs pulse at 500pps 1.5A


Pin Function
1 Heater
2 Screen grid
3 Anode
4 Suppressor grid
5 Internal shield
6 Cathode
7 Control grid
8 Internal shield
9 Heater