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CV3581 power triode

This valve measures 360x120mm overall and has a 3 pin base

This is a tungsten filament triode for use as a medium wave oscillator. The equivalent V1501 was used in the MB2 mobile ground radar transmitter.

Filament voltage17.0V
Filament current10.0A
Max anode voltage5kV
Amplification factor *14.0
Anode AC resistance *1200 ohms
Max peak anode current1.0A
Max anode dissipation500W

*: at 500mA anode current and 1kV anode voltage

It is recommended that the valve be mounted vertically and that the anode connection act to steady the valve

Base view
On the base, the two large diameter pins are the filament connections, and the smaller diameter pin is the grid.
Top quarter