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CV4001 'reliable' fullwave rectifier

Size This valve measures 60x17mm overall and has a 7 lead base.

This is the fly-lead version of the CV4005.

Heater voltage 6.3V
Heater current 0.6A
Max PIV 1375V
Max mean anode current 75mA
Max peak anode current 230mA
Max surge anode current 750mA
Max heater-cathode voltage 450V
Max shock (short duration) 700g
Max acceleration (continuous operation) 2.5g
Max bulb temperature 165C
Typical operating conditions (50Hz operation)
Capacitor input to filter
Max RMS voltage per anode 325V
Min supply impedance per anode 150 ohm
Max DC output 70mA
Max reservoir capacitor 32µF
Choke input to filter
Max RMS voltage per anode 450V
Max DC output 70mA
Max choke inductance 8H


Lead Function
1 Anode B
2 i/c
3 Heater
4 Heater
5 i/c
6 Anode A
7 Cathode