Virtual Valve Museum

Virtual Valve Museum

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Size The CRT measures 330x65mm overall and has a 12 contact base and a side connector.


Heater voltage 4V
Heater current 1.1A
Max fourth anode voltage 6.0kV
Max third anode voltage 4.0kV
Max first anode voltage 2.5kV
Typical operating conditions
Fourth anode voltage 4.0kV
Third anode voltage 2.0kV
Second anode voltage 150V
First anode voltage 2.0kV
X-plate sensitivity 0.18mm/V
Y-plate sensitivity 0.24mm/V


Pin Function
1 Grid
2 Cathode
3 Heater
4 Heater
5 Anode 1
6 Anode 2
7 Internal coating
8 Y2
9 X2
10 Anode 3
11 X1
12 Y1
SC Anode 4

Base protection


Top quarter view Bottom quarter view
