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CV41 magnetron

This valve measures 245x114x68mm overall.

This magnetron has the serial number 10134 and might be a type 'B' but it is unclear.

The CV41 was developed in 1941 and used in early production models of the GL3 radar. It was the last unstrapped S-band magnetron to be developed in the UK and was replaced in 1942 with the echelon strapped CV120.

Heater voltage6.0V
Heater current7.0A
Max anode dissipation1000W
Wavelength *10.70 ±0.2 cm
Typical operating conditions **
Peak anode voltage25kV
Peak anode current40A
Average output peak power170kW
Magnetic field860 oersteds
Approx air blast100 cu ft/min

*: there are three frequency variants: A has a wavelength of 10.56, B is 10.70 and C is 10.84 cm, all ±0.07cm.
**: These operating conditions refer to a sensibly square pulse shape, 1µs duration, repetition rate 500 cycles per second max, and during operating and testing air must be blown through a fitting surrounding the fins. In no case shall the temperature of the anode exceed 140°C.

Side view