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CV6092 high voltage halfwave rectifier

This valve measures 95x38mm overall
Heater voltage6.3V
Heater current2.0A
Min HT switching delay60 secs
Max RMS anode current220mA
Max anode dissipation40W
Max operating anode seal temperature225°C
Max full load PIV16kV
Max no load PIV18kV
Max PIV with direct switching8kV
Max shock (short duration)500g
Max acceleration (continuous vibration)2g
Rectifier application
Max peak anode current600mA
Max DC anode current100mA
Min limiting resistance4k ohms
Inverse diode application
Max pulse anode current (normal operation) *7.5A
Max pulse anode current (fault condition) *14A

*: Max pulse time constant 5.0µs with max duty ratio of 1:1200. Max duration of fault not greater than 2 secs

The base button is the heater and screw the heater + cathode.

Quarter view