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M505 / CV1747 magnetron

Size This magnetron measures approx. 210x75mm.


Heater voltage (starting) 3.7V
Max heater voltage oscillating at max input 2V
Heater current (at Vh=3V) 3.5A
Frequency 9360 to 9460MHz
Max rate of rise of voltage 100kV/µs
Duty cycle 0.001
Magnet 3200 to 3300 oersteds
Max input power 150W
Max peak anode current 12A
Typical operation
Heater voltage 2V
Heater current 2.5A
Peak anode voltage 12kV
Peak anode current 12A
Magnet 3250 oersteds
Pulse length 1µs
Pulse repetition 1000pps
Peak power output 60kW



Heater/cathode connection

Size view

Quarter view

CV1747 label

CV1747 M505 label


Cv1747 rear view