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VS110 / CV1110 / AW3 / 10E/10914 voltage stabiliser

Size This valve measures 120x48mm overall and has a 4 pin base.


Max striking voltage 180V
Mean striking voltage 160V
Max current 75mA
Min current for stable operation 10mA
Min current to maintain ionisation 6mA
Mean voltage at which ionisation ceases 115V
Mean voltage drop across valve at 75mA 120V
Max voltage drop across valve at 75mA 135V
Min voltage drop across valve at 75mA 115V
Mean change of voltage drop with change of operating current from 75mA to 10mA 5V
Max change of voltage drop with change of operating current from 75mA to 10mA 10V


Pin Function
1 Anode
2 Cathode
3 n/c
4 n/c



CV1110 label
